Introduction 簡介 Hong Kong General Building Contractors Association is a non-profit making organization founded by a group of building contractors with a view to enhance the contribution of the construction industry in the society, to improve the quality of the work and to provide resources to improve the standard of the industry and well fare to the ones concern. 香港建築業承建商聯會是由一群熱心關注建築業發展的業內人仕所組成的非牟利組織。 聯會努力推動建築業在社會上的貢獻及提升建造工程的質素,並提供資源培訓業內人仕, 為聯會會員謀求保障及福利。 Our Missions 聯會宗旨 The Major Objectives of the Association are: To Promote the construction industry in the HKSAR. To improve the standard and quality of the works. To assist existing building contractors to be qualified in the Registered General Building Contractors under the new registration scheme implemented by the Building Department. To enhance members’ awareness to the regulations of the construction industry. To provide proper channel to liaise with the relevant Government Departments and other organizations with the common aim to improve the works’ standard and the safety measure of the industry.
Further Development 展望 Hong Kong General Building Contractors Association Limited is pledged: To provide services to members of the Association of the construction industry. To review legislation which regulate the construction industry with the aim to remove any anomalies. To improve professional standards in the industry through training and development.
本會將盡力爭取業界權益並與政府各部門保持緊密聯繫,並會與有關團體及機構舉辦業內諮詢,研討或培訓以提高業界水平。 歡迎各界友好光臨本會多加指導。 |